Project Patience

It’s all about patience. 

There is a temptation, a compulsion sometimes to push through to the end of a project.  Just get it done, no matter the cost and frustration.

But sometimes projects benefit from some distance. I am getting a room ready to rent and I also need to ready my bathroom, currently perfect for one and now needing to service two.  Days of going from store to store, looking for a double towel rack and extra storage was just driving me crazy, not to mention the cost of gas and the growing despair each day of looking at some metal to hang a wet towel costing more than $100.

Complicated projects and projects taken on in difficult times require patience, thought and the ability to leave them alone for a day or two.

So, do just that.  Leave it alone.

When I left my quest for the perfect double towel rack alone, two things happened.  I actually got a lot of other stuff done as well as the ability, eventually, to discuss my frustration.  During that break from my quest, the best solution was there in the form of a suggestion from my mom.

The next day I bought my double towel rack, installed it and moved on with my life.

Patience paid off.

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